Earlier this month, my coaching business turned 10 years old. And I missed it.
At the beginning of the year I had been thinking about how I would mark the occasion. And, sitting in cold, dark January, I enjoyed thinking about May. It’s a time of birthdays and weddings, sun and the first BBQs of the summer. I was imagining the possibilities.
And then….you know the next bit.
So, I may not be able to celebrate my business birthday in the way I’d like but it has made me reflect on the past 10 years and what I’ve learned.
These points aren’t my own deep wisdom. You’ve probably seen the same or similar in a number of places but they still have meaning and purpose for me 10 years on.
What are your own favourites?
- There is no magic formula to success. Beware of people who tell you (or sell you) otherwise.
- When defining success or setting objectives, think about each aspect of your life. It’s important to understand what’s at stake when one aspect gets more attention than the others.
- Your definition of success is the only one that matters.
- Stuff happens which is outside your control and/or takes you by surprise. Allow yourself the mental and emotional space to deal with it. Soldiering on is not always the best option.
- Your biggest barrier is usually yourself. The quicker you realise that and develop strategies to recognise it and work with it, the easier life gets.
- You know more than you think you know.
- Drop the corporate language. Fast. You don’t need it in order to be understood.
- Determination can become rigidity. Being flexible is important. Changing direction, re-aligning expectations or even giving up does not mean you’ve failed.
- Be yourself. Whether you run your own business or are part of a bigger organisation, you represent yourself at all times. Trying to be someone/something you’re not is exhausting and people quickly see through it.
- You will make mistakes because you are a human being. Getting comfortable with that and learning from them is what matters.
- No is not a swear word. Used with integrity it can be your super power.
- Comparison can be draining and unproductive if it unleashes your inner critic. Stop comparing or learn about what’s going on and put it back in its place.
- Perfect is the enemy of done. Which is why this post has 13 points rather than 10…